Education and sports for underprivileged children age 4 till 14

What is Estrela Forever?

The students of Estrela da Favela are developing well thanks to 5 fantastic Brazilian teachers who do an amazing job. We do this without any subsidy from the Dutch or Brazilian government.

Estrela pays the salaries of the teachers completely with the help of friends and fans from the Europe and the U.S. But this success is no guarantee for the future. Without a fixed financial basis, Estrela has a precarious certainty of existence and this certitude is necessary to keep these great teachers connected to Estrela.

This is why we start the “Estrela Forever" campaign, asking everyone who also believes that good education is a basic condition for progress, to transfer an annual fixed amount of 10 € or more to Estrela da Favela.

If you participate and perhaps also know a number of friends and acquaintances who are interested in this charity, we can provide a, solid financial foundation to keep our teachers connected to Estrela. In this way Estrela can continue her good work for many years to come and prepare thousands of children for a normal working life without having to end up in misery, crime or prostitution.

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Terms and Conditions

‘The Friends of Estrela Foundation’ in the Netherlands has set the goal of supporting the active ‘Instituto Estrela da Favela’ in Rio, with advice and fundraising. Their aim is to raise sufficient funds to allow the project to continue for a long time.


IBAN: NL17ABNA 0522610064
Stichting Vrienden van Estrela da Favela te Amsterdam

Estrela da Favela