Instituto Estrela da Favela

Information about Instituto Estrela da Favela

Statutory name: Instituto Estrela da Favela
RSIN: 825597882
ANBI status: Yes

Contact details in the Netherlands:
Edwin Roodenburg 0652431148
postal address: Roemer Visscherstraat 32 house, 1054 EZ Amsterdam

Contact details Brazil:
Edna Silveira +55 21 988921191
Branch address: Av. Rainha Elisabeth 85# 1105 Rio de Janeiro
Visiting address: Av. Neves 21 Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Board in Brazil:
Dulceniria Amaro de Paula president
Rosilene Rodrigues Coelho treasurer
LĂ©lia Ferreira da Silva secretary
Maria Edinisia Mota Dias member

None of the board members have outside positions relevant to the activities of the foundation.


Expense reimbursement board: none
Non-excessive vacation pay board: none
Explanation of compensation board: n/a
Compensation policy employees: Employees are paid what the Brazilian unions prescribe and are salaried in compliance with all mandatory remittances and social benefits.

Accountability Statement

The board of Instituto Estrela da Favela subscribes to the principles of the Code of Good Governance for Charities:
Within Instituto Estrela da Favela, the function of “supervising” (establishing and approving plans, and critically monitoring the organization and its implementation) is clearly separated from governing, or implementation.

Instituto Estrela da Favela works continuously to optimize the use of its resources so that it can work effectively and efficiently to achieve its objectives. Instituto Estrela da Favela strives for optimal relationships with all parties, with focused attention on information provision and the intake and processing of wishes and complaints

Board responsibility
The board is responsible for pursuing sound policies. This includes policies related to the acquisition and management of funds and the pursuit of responsible management policies.

Outline of current policy plan
Instituto Estrela da Favela provides classes at the elementary school level to underprivileged children ages 4 to 14 living in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. Although these children all attend half-day public schools, they learn virtually nothing there. Instituto Estrela da Favela makes sure they learn what they need to have a better future, and meanwhile we teach social skills that will come in handy in society outside the favela. We also help the parents where possible with their many problems. The children are offered something to eat every day, so at least they can attend classes without hunger.

We make every effort to get as many girls as possible into our project, because in the macho favela culture there are no opportunities for them to develop. They will be the educators of the next generation. With the knowledge gained from us, they will be better equipped to give their children a more promising upbringing than they themselves have had. Estrela da Favela is a respected institution in the favela and parents/caregivers are constantly kept informed of everything that is happening and are asked to cooperate to the best of their ability. (Traditionally, the importance of education is not understood. This applies extra strongly to girls)

In this way, we succeed well in keeping these children out of the in the favela obvious career of serious crime and prostitution.

With a coordinator, 5 teachers, two sports and two music teachers and an IT teacher, strive to get as many children as possible into high school or technical school, or at least ready for an honorable profession.

Current report of the activities carried out
There is teaching in the morning and afternoon to children who go to their own school the other half of the day, where there is very poor teaching. Two kindergarten classes and two groups of older children attend with 5 teachers and a number of volunteers (when available). Once a week there are sports lessons on the public sports field that is right outside the door and there is beachtennis lessons at Copacabana beach. Meanwhile, a great deal of attention is paid to social skills, most of which have not been taught much, if at all, from home. There are also visits to theaters, museums and sports competitions and, of course, the annual end-of-year outing to a play paradise.

Balance sheet and statement of income and expenses with notes

Click here for an overview

As the enclosed balance sheet shows (in Brazilian Reais) almost all income from donations is spent on the daily running of the institute. Expenses consist mainly of staff salaries (5 teachers, coordinator, sports and music teachers), social charges, rent for the school and office, food for the students and fixed costs such as telephone, representation, maintenance of the van, educational trips and school materials. Bank fees and taxes are also relatively high.

Income from Brazil is negligible except for a few small donations. It is unfortunately not part of Brazilian culture to help the less fortunate from the favelas get on top.